Test range: up to 4000 bar (58,000 psi)

The HSS high pressure test bench will perform a pressure test in a safe, ergonomically and fast way. The HSS is the perfect unit for every workshop that requires easy, fast and safe pressure testing of hydraulic hose assemblies. Also valves, tubes, fittings and other pressure containing objects can be tested in the HSS. The test objects are placed in the integrated test room.

Manually operated or computer controlled

The HSS Standard is the manually operated version. The HSS Advanced is the computer controlled version.

The HSS is self-containing, ready to use and is suitable for handling tap water as high pressure fluid (for other liquids such as oil, water/oil and water/glycol please contact Itensify).


  • One valve operation to bleed down pressure
  • Gauge with safety glass, the Advanced has a pressure sensor
  • Safe test room: L= 2.500 mm, D= 890 mm, H= 270 mm (front) en 500 mm (back)
  • Easy reading and operation due to angled panel with clear instructions
  • Easy to connect to test object
  • Easy and accurate pressure setting
  • Durable due to stainless steel frame and panels
  • Continuity through high quality, smart and solid system set up


Download brochure HSS

Data acquisition, QuickConnect, Test system